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Landscape & Construction
What we deliver...
5k+ trees planted
Collectively, the team at Harwood Landscape have been involved in over 5,000 trees being planted in completed soft landscape schemes over the last decade.
Sustainable design
We offer a range of technologies and approaches to reduce the environmental impact of our designs.
Our mission
A garden must be a workable, practical space – not necessarily a grand stage production: More a space that fulfils a range of specific needs, they can provide sanctuaries for health and wellbeing; they can be cultivated for growing food; they can be a part of a wider sustainability; or they can simply give immense pleasure just by looking, smelling, and feeling beautiful.
The skill of garden design is to understand and create that distinctive space which is both emotive and practical as well as personal. Your garden should be the perfect outdoor space for you, using textures, sounds, taste, and smells to stimulate the senses.
How we work
Sustainable design
We undertake sustainable practices and can offer a range of technologies and approaches to reduce the environmental impact of our designs:
- Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
- Recycling and use of composted materials
- Design of drought tolerant planting
- Implementation of green walls and green roofs
- Sustainable drainage systems, permeable paving
- Reduction of run off into mains drains and sewers
- Soft landscaping solutions for urban areas
- Waste minimisation measures
- Maximum biodiversity within planting schemes
- Urban greening
- Ethical sourcing of hard landscape materials and strict observation of FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) along with other codes
- Low carbon lighting, energy controls and management
- BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) and CfSH (Code for Sustainable Homes) conversant
- Phase 1 Ecological Surveys / Preliminary Ecological Assessment.
- Bat Surveys (all types, including tree-climbing).
- Great Crested Newt and Reptile Surveys.
- Botanical and Bird Surveys.
- BREEAM Assessments.
- Expert Witness at Inquiry.
- EcIA and Ecology Chapters for EIA.
- Management Plans, Enhancement Schemes and Mitigation Strategies.
- Practical Habitat Creation and Management – Newt/Reptile fencing.
- EPS Licence Applications.
- Low Impact Bat Licences (Registered Consultant)
- Bats in Churches Class Licence (Registered Consultant)
- Mammal Surveys (Otter, Water Vole, Badger, Dormouse)
We can offer
We can provide a full or partial project management service – or act as a professional advisor ensuring a smooth operation between the garden design team and all specialist contractors or consultants to ease the seamless delivery of the project on time and to budget.
Project management
- Sourcing and procurement of plants.
- Coordination of build activities, contractors, and suppliers.
- Optional periodic site visits and progress inspections.
We work hard to ensure your project is delivered to the highest of standards, working in a flexible, practical, and efficient way.
Once the project is complete, we can provide a garden maintenance schedule for you, or a gardener to implement.
We can also revisit the garden on an annual basis or at more regular intervals, as required.
- Hand over to client.
- Guidance on garden maintenance.
Need help with a project
Contact our team today for a quote